About Us
Clear Skin Laser Treatments in Rochester is a family-run clinic specialising in non-surgical aesthetics, including hair removal, tattoo removal, scar reduction, and much more. Moreover, we are passionate about what we do, and we believe that all aesthetic procedures should be accessible to everyone, which is why we provide all treatments at competitive prices. Plus, to achieve maximum results from all procedures that we carry out, we have invested in state-of-the-art equipment which is suitable for all skin types.
Why Choose Clear Skin Laser Treatments?
Industry Leading Equipment
When it comes to hair removal, we provide the most effective treatments, we use the Elite+ by cynosure which is a safe and effective laser for all clients.
The same applies to our tattoo removal services. Most clinics offer tattoo removal for black, grey, and a limited number of coloured tattoos due to out dated lasers, But here at Clear Skin Laser Treatments, We can remove all colours with fewer treatments as we use the only Picosure laser in Kent.
The Picosure is not only the first picosecond laser cleared by the FDA for tattoo removal but covers many skin treatments too.
Fully Qualified & Accredited
Currently, we have two level 4 qualified laser practitioners working at our clinic and, our in-house medical and scientific director holds a masters in pharmaceutical sciences.
If you would like any information regarding the services we offer please get in touch.